Pelvic Floor and Deep Core

In this series I will bring together all of my training, skills and personal experience to help you gain an understanding of the pelvic floor, what it is, what it does, how it’s connected to core stability,  and offer you tools and therapeutic practices to

  • isolate the different areas of the pelvic floor to improve muscle tone
  • release a tight pelvic floor
  • specific exercises to recruit the muscles that support the pelvis and core stability
  • reduce episodes of stress incontinence (leaking) and bladder urgency
  • reduce the impact of poor postural habits on the pelvic floor


**Since the brith of my daughter 30 years ago, I never though it was possible to sleep through the night without having to get up and pee at least once, if not twice.  Even after a bladder lift surgery, I  had to cross my legs when I’d cough, sneeze or laugh so I wouldn’t pee.  Within 3 weeks of  taking this class, learning to release and train my pelvic floor muscles I am consistently sleeping through the night, the urgency to pee isn’t there nearly as much, and I am noticing I don’t need to cross my legs!**

**Just wanted to let you know that I TOTALLY enjoyed the Pelvic Floor Class you held in September & can’t wait for the next one! Through the technics taught in your class & for me in my menopausal state, it has helped with breathing, core, and incontinence. With using the homework sheets supplied,  I have taught my bladder to resist the frequent urge as well I have found that I don’t have to urinate throughout the night as often. I actually sleep for 6 hours straight. It also helps being in your restorative yoga classes as well.  Just wanted to let you know how happy I am to have found you.**

What Is Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is a mindful self care practice that incorporates therapeutic exercise and movement principals with other modalities including somatic movement, self fascial release techniques and classical yoga principals to calm the body and mind. Learn more...

Who Can Benefit From Yoga Therapy

Regardless of the conditions or limitations you may have or the activities you do, we all can move well....

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